
Rosaria Rita Canale

Università di Napoli "Parthenope" (IT)


Rosaria Rita Canale Phd.

is Associate Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Naples “Parthenope”, Department of Business and Economics. Her research interests are: International economics, Eurozone, Fiscal and monetary policy and inequality. Her most recent publications are: Is there a trade-off between free capital mobility, Financial Stability and Fiscal policy flexibility?, with de Grauwe P., Foresti P. and Napolitano O. in Real World Economics, 2018; Fiscal rule compliance, poverty and social exclusion in the Eurozone, with M. Bonasia, S.Capasso, M. D’Uva in Metroecomica sept. 2019, Structural public balance adjustment and poverty in Europe, with G. Liotti in Structural change and Economic Dynamics July 2019, Fiscal and Monetary policy in the Eurozone. Theoretical concepts and Empirical Evidence, with Rajmund Mirdala, Emerald publishing, London, 2019; Controversial effects of public debt on wage share: the case of the Eurozone, with G. Liotti in Applied Economics, 2021.

Research interests

International Macroeconomics